Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Simple: Salt and pepper pepper squid

Today's little experiment was a red and yellow pepper sauce.

1 red pepper
1 yellow pepper
1 eschallot
50mL heavy cream
2 teaspoons vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
1/8 cup sherry

For documentation purposes:

  1. Slice peppers into thin strips and dice eschalot. Adding 2 teaspoons of salt, sautee until soft - add water if required.
  2. Add sherry and deglaise the pan, add the sugar and cook for a short while until the deglaise coats the peppers
  3. Reserving 1/4 of the peppers (optional), blend the rest with the cream, vinegar and the remaining sugar
The squid was fried for 2 minutes. Seasoned in Cayenne, salt and pepper with a cornflour base.

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